Do You Need Help In A Child Relocation Case?

Life changes at blinding speed, and when your evolving circumstances impact your children, it’s important to put their best interests ahead of everything else. Although courts take a similar stance, this doesn’t necessarily mean that they or your former spouse will agree with what you think should occur. Move-away cases can be complicated proceedings that benefit from professional legal aid.

What makes Ratzer|Dobis different from other firms? We focus on helping families transition smoothly through every aspect of the legal process. From negotiating on your behalf with opposing counsel to ensuring that judges hear and understand your arguments, we fight to help regular Californians benefit from the law in child custody cases and more. Our in-depth understanding of high-value divorces and separations also means that we’re uniquely well-equipped to untangle complex cases and help you chart a clearer path to resolution.

Move-Away Cases Explained

There are plenty of reasons why one parent may want to move and take a child with them. For instance, someone may get a job in a new city, state or even country. The law prohibits parents from unilaterally relocating their children without having the other parent’s express written consent or a court order — and to obtain such orders, parents must show that their plans meet fairly high standards. Courts examine factors like:

  • The age of the child
  • Whether relocation will provide continued stability for a child
  • Where the child wants to live and their relationship with their parents
  • The reason behind the move

You may feel that your move is in your child’s best interest, but can you convince the courts of the same? Or if you’re fighting against a move, how can you show that the child shouldn’t leave? Ratzer|Dobis attorneys help parents in cities throughout the greater San Diego area, including Solana Beach, as they navigate through these tough, live-altering situations. No matter which side you’re on, our primary goal is to ensure that your foray into family law results in a resolution that helps you build the right environment for your child’s growth.

Let Ratzer|Dobis Manage Your Relocation Case

California is unique in that many of its parents hail from different parts of the world. This diversity makes the state a great place to raise kids, but it can also make move-away cases more complicated for those who don’t understand how the law works.

Talk to one of our lawyers about your California relocation dilemma by calling 858-793-7700, or send us an email online. We have the legal knowledge to help you prove that your children need to stay close, or be allowed to move.


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