How Long Does it Take to Get a Divorce in California if it is Uncontested?
Posted in California,Divorce,Divorce Mediation,Family Code,Spousal Support on January 27, 2024
Beginning the divorce process can either feel like a commitment to an ultramarathon where the finish line is nowhere in sight or a short sprint to the completion of the journey of marriage. An uncontested divorce provides an avenue of avoiding drawn-out, complicated processes in favor of a more straightforward way of dissolving a marriage… read more
Can Spousal Support be Waived in California?
Posted in California,Divorce,Divorce Mediation,Spousal Support on January 16, 2024
Determining California spousal support can be one of the most contentious topics in a divorce. In some instances, the determination of support is addressed before the marriage becomes legal in a prenuptial agreement. Weighing spousal support options with an experienced Solana Beach family law attorney with in-depth knowledge of prenuptial agreements and whether waiving this right… read more
Do I Still Have to Pay Child Support If I Move?
Posted in Best Interest of the Child,California,Child Custody,Child Support,Co-Parenting on September 15, 2023
Parents often need to move to another state for work, to start a new life, or to help out with their elderly parents or other family members. However, if they have children from a previous marriage that they are paying child support, they may wonder if they still have to make these payments if they… read more
Does the cost of a law degree need to be paid back in a divorce?
Posted in Advanced Degrees,Appeals,California,Community Property,Family Code,Property Division on October 17, 2017
“A law degree is not a ticket to prosperity.” — In re Marriage of Graham, California Court of Appeal, Fourth Appellate District (2003) Ratzer Family Law recently won a family law appeal brought after the divorce of our client and his former wife, who were married in 2009. During their 2016 divorce trial, the wife… read more
Co-parenting in California divorces
Posted in Best Interest of the Child,California,Child Custody,Co-Parenting on October 5, 2017
With many divorcing couples, custody of their children tends to become one of the biggest issues. Both parents may seek full custody, either out of genuine desire to be with the kids or, all too often, a desire to feel like they’ve “won” in the divorce. This is a misguided approach to child custody. Ideally,… read more